一、Contains Duplicate
Given an array of integers, find if the array contains any duplicates. Your function should return true if any value appears at least twice in the array, and it should return false if every element is distinct.
class Solution {public: bool containsDuplicate(vector & nums) { if( (nums.size() == 0) || (nums.size() == 1) ) return false; std::sort(std::begin(nums), std::end(nums)); //sort()是c++、java里对数组的元素进行排序的方法,包含于头文件algorithm。 for(int i = 0; i < nums.size()-1; i++) if(nums[i] == nums[i+1]) return true; return false;}};
class Solution {public: bool containsDuplicate(vector & nums) { set s(nums.begin(), nums.end()); if (nums.size() == s.size()) return false; else return true; }};
class Solution {public: bool containsDuplicate(vector & nums) { vectorvec; vec.push_back(false);if (nums.size()<=1){ return false;}for (int i=0; i =vec.size()){ for (int j=vec.size();j<=m;j++){ vec.push_back(false); } } if (m
或:sort the vector then traverse to find whether there are same value element continuesly:
class Solution {public: bool containsDuplicate(vector & nums) { sort(nums.begin(), nums.end()); if (nums.size() == 0){ return false; } vector ::iterator it = nums.begin(); int temp = *it; it++; for (; it != nums.end(); it++){ if (*it == temp){ return true; } temp = *it; } return false; }};
或: step 1 Sort the vector
step2 use erase to remove the duplicate and compare the size of the vectorclass Solution {public: bool containsDuplicate(vector & nums) { int pre = nums.size(); sort(nums.begin(), nums.end()); nums.erase(unique(nums.begin(), nums.end()), nums.end()); int post = nums.size(); return (post == pre) ? false : true; return false; }};
或:use hash map
class Solution {public: bool containsDuplicate(vector & nums) { unordered_maphash; vector ::iterator it = nums.begin(); for (; it != nums.end(); it++){ if (hash.find(*it) != hash.end()){ return true; } hash[*it] = 1; } return false; }};
二、Contains Duplicate II
Given an array of integers and an integer k, find out whether there there are two distinct indices i and j in the array such that nums[i] = nums[j] and the difference between iand j is at most k.(注:at most 最多)
分析:题意为---给一个整型数组及整数k,找出是否存在不同的i和j使得nums[i] = nums[j]且i 和j之差最多为k
The basic idea is to maintain a set s which contain unique values from nums[i - k] to nums[i - 1], if nums[i] is in set s then return true else update the set.
class Solution {public: bool containsNearbyDuplicate(vector & nums, int k) { unordered_set s; if (k <= 0) return false; if (k >= nums.size()) k = nums.size() - 1; for (int i = 0; i < nums.size(); i++) { if (i > k) s.erase(nums[i - k - 1]); if (s.find(nums[i]) != s.end()) return true; s.insert(nums[i]); } return false; }};
class Solution { public: bool containsNearbyDuplicate(vector & nums, int k) { if (!k) return false; // fill set unordered_set h; size_t size = k
其中:unique()函数是一个去重函数,STL中unique的函数 unique的功能是去除相邻的重复元素(只保留一个),还有一个容易忽视的特性是它并不真正把重复的元素删除。他是c++中的函数,所以头文件要加#include<iostream.h>,具体用法如下:
int num[100];
class Solution { public:bool containsNearbyDuplicate(vector & nums, int k) { if(nums.empty()||k<1) return false; vector temp=nums; sort(temp.begin(),temp.end()); auto it=unique(temp.begin(),temp.end()); if(it==temp.end()) return false; for(auto it1=nums.begin();it1!=nums.end()-1;++it1){ auto it2=find(it1+1,nums.end(),*it1); //从it1+1到nums.end()查找与指向it1的值相同的索引 if(it2!=nums.end()){ if(it2-it1<=k){ return true; } } } return false;} };